
Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.

Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.
The indestructible lessons are OURS to keep, teach, and utilize.-Tonya GJ Prince

Unchain the Warrior Within: Empower Yourself as a Woman Who Fights for Herself


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 1"I just want y'all to be honest about......"

YOUR hairs

Who asks males about the weaves, toupees, or hair replacements that they are wearing AND to be accountable?

No one asks males where they stand on shaving. Where do they stand on shaving their chest? Armpits? Other areas? No one cares.  We let males make their own choices.

As for women and girls? 

We casually choose to mock, shame belittle, and harass her about her hair. Daily.

I encourage girls that I encounter 

to reclaim their power.  

Not one hair follicle on your body is anyone else's concern.  There is nothing that they can do with that information. All people need to be concerned with the health and care of their own hair follicles. 

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Guard it like your passwords.

Each and every hair on your body is your body. Don't let others micro-manage you.  That's not good for you. 

2.  How many?

Males do not go to the doctor and give an account of their periods, number of pregnancies, or number of live or deceased births.

You can't get males to go get one test to save their lives because that test is painful and embarrassing. It is a weird experience. And I'm told by males from that age group that they are moving towards a blood test to detect prostate cancers in males.

Must be nice.

Meanwhile, women and girls continue to be heavily encouraged to go to the gynecologist for pap smears and mammograms yearly since their teen years. 

Just to remind you, the pap smear can be uncomfortable and painful for some.  For Survivors of various types of trauma, even under the best conditions; doctor, warm speculum, correct size speculum, calming atmosphere, and great staff- pap smears are terrifying. 

Mammograms flatten your breasts like morning sausage patties looking for cancer.  I support all of this.  But while you are spending time, money, and resources searching for ways for males to do the impossible; it would be nice if some of that could be shared to save female lives. 


No male has to give a 

a metric of anything in their lives 

to anyone just to stay 

healthy the way that women do. 

3. Laboring for People Who Will Not Labor for You

We should all bear one another's burdens. I have believed in this since childhood. But still, I had to learn that some people that you labor for free of charge will instantly turn around and use the freedom you helped them to secure to put you and yours in rusting chains and shackles. 

This truth does not fall along racial or religious lines. Annnnd, that's why we are required to gain wisdom.

Wisdom is a requirement for 

longevity in advocacy, activism, 

and social alliance work.

Nurturing, empowering others, and encouraging others are superpowers. Many women have this power, with most weilding it effectively in their families, communities, and as teachers and healers. That's a blessing for us. 

The engines behind us. 

The wind beneath our wings. 

 Like all powers, individuals must learn to be good stewards of them.  Gas, electricity, animals, love, healing.

Doing Hero Stuff 

Such is the hero's journey of so many superhero stories.  

Superhero learns that they have powers.

Superhero uses those powers in the wrong ways.

Surperhero or someone that the superhero loves gets harmed.

Superheroes must quickly learn to harness those powers in a way that defeats evil and villains while saving humanity.

They Used to Call Me "Bucky Beaver". Does This Make Me a Victim of Beaver Hate?

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WE Survive Abuse : Unchain the Warrior Within: Empower Yourself as a Woman Who Fights for Herself
Unchain the Warrior Within: Empower Yourself as a Woman Who Fights for Herself
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