Back in the day, when candy cost but a penny, we kids used to run up to my Granny and ask: "Granny, do you have some money?"...
Back in the day, when candy cost but a penny, we kids used to run up to my Granny and ask:
"Granny, do you have some money?"
Her response: "Yeah, and I got sense with it too."
"One of us, all of us"
"We are one."
"United ...." are ancient phrases used to lure in minoritized women to think the group will be down for you when you need them if only you support them today.
They will not.
More than that....that "one of us, all of us" or "we are one" bs dissolves real quick when minoritized females need help.
Ain't no such thing as a 'Batman signal' for us.
I'm a Black woman. I believe in collective advocacy and activism.
I'm a Black woman. Collective advocacy and activism are where I live and thrive.
I'm a Black woman. Community is vital to my survival.
Even still, on the majority of your living days, the few will be your crew and that's just true. That's just the way it is.
Please beware of anyone and everyone approaching you with unity phrases that don't start with a mutual exchange of labor and resources, but instead start with you organizing the community to mule for others.
Please beware of anyone and everyone approaching you for labor and support because "they have always fought for your issues".
At the very least, demand receipts.
Please beware of anyone and everyone approaching you for labor and support because "really if you look at it, they are you".
Please beware of anyone and everyone approaching you with promises to get to your issues on the backend, if you labor for them today, especially if they have no previous experience ever, ever, ever, laboring for your issues before.
What are they going to do? Come back and learn about your issues once they have what they want.
Maybe. Maybe not.
There are many good, genuine, and sincere people everywhere. Be patient. You will all find one another.
Still, at all times, Black women, use your energy & labor wisely.
It is not an indefinite flow.
We DO NOT have an unlimited supply of energy.
Be careful who you take advice from. Women's advocacy and activism is extremely challenging.
There is making a difference and then there's just making a nuisance. Women and girls have had enough nuisance. Women and girls need AND deserve a safer and healthier difference in their lives.
Black women are powerful, resilient, and masters of perseverance.
But like my Granny said:
"You have to have sense with it."