Originally published 4/7/23 Reminder: Who you think you are and who you really are isn’t always the same thing. When you support women bein...
Originally published 4/7/23
Who you think you are and who you really are isn’t always the same thing.
When you support women being silenced because they disagree with males…..you support hate.
When you support name-calling, threats, and violence against women and girls because they disagree with males…you support hate.
When you support threats against women and girls because they disagree with males…you support hate.
When you support violence against women and girls because they disagree with males…you support hate.
What makes you any different from the Taliban regime or any number of misogynist dictators? The same people who silence and harm women who refuse to comply, be silent, and obey.
The same people who will not allow women to meet alone in public.
The same people who harm, torture, and kill all people who don’t agree with them.
The same people who demand women’s silence on issues that are important to them.
What makes your demands for full agreement and compliance any different?
It is worth the internal trip to ponder what you think should happen to women and girls who disagree with you. You and hate against women and girls might be BFFs and everybody knows it but you.
Own it. And decide if that is who you really want to be.
We JUST Won the Rights for Women in the 1970s: Notes on Dating Choices | WE Survive Abuse
Women Should Try Being Kind to Other Women Too | WE Survive Abuse
Leaders are Just Trying to "Look" Diverse and Inclusive: Female Erasure | WE Survive Abuse
Are You Sure That You Are Listening to Women and Girls? (audio & blog post) | WE Survive Abuse