
Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.

Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.
The indestructible lessons are OURS to keep, teach, and utilize.-Tonya GJ Prince

What Can We Learn From Alabama Mayor's Death That Allegedly Reveals More Victims (Update)


First, my prayers for comfort and healing go out to the family of Smiths Station Mayor F.L. “Bubba” Copeland. I mean that sincerely.  That s...

First, my prayers for comfort and healing go out to the family of Smiths Station Mayor F.L. “Bubba” Copeland. I mean that sincerely. 

That said, it seems that the following has been of major concern to both the general public and among clergy:


"people being allowed to be who they are"

"space for people to be who they are"

"being a Republican/Conservative"

"free speech in the media"


So here we go forgetting women and children as victims .....again. The sufferings of women and children-whether they struggle with identity and sexuality or not-matter.



Trans Activists Mourn Alabama Mayor Who Committed Suicide After Being Outed As A Crossdresser Who Fantasized About Murdering Woman


This terrible tragedy has a lot of victims.  

I would have liked to have seen prioritized among the discussions concerns around child safety and women's safety.   It seems that allegedly Pastor Mayor Copeland had written fiction where a real townswoman was the subject.  

As I understand from the readings online, Copeland's woman-like fictional persona had a desire to murder a real-life woman.

For a woman to have this awareness, can be unnerving and unsettling. Terrifying.  Especially since some of the most dangerous murderers in history are known to have started just this way.......fantasizing about murder. 

I personally wonder if this woman is okay. 

How is she doing?  Is she okay? 

Is she taking extra safety precautions just in case Pastor Copeland had "fans"? Are the police?


Then, also according to my readings, children were depicted in some extremely inappropriate memes. Real children. Children from the town.  

Shame is a terrible burden to carry.  People absolutely should be able to express themselves in any way that they see fit.  This, of course, includes women who should always feel safe as we express ourselves in our lives. 

 Ideally, Pastor Mayor Copeland could have gotten the help that he needed. 

However, he chose to express himself as his own business. My understanding is that he chose to share who he was publically on large social media platforms.  He was a person making his own choices. 

BUT women and children are people too.  Women have a right to make choices too. 

Women and children are not to be used for the entertainment purposes of males. Women and children are more special and valuable than that.

Women and children were not put on this earth to satisfy fantasies and fetishes. Women and children have a purpose, a beauty, and a value far greater than any of that mess. 

And remember, it is not hate to expect and demand safety for women and children.

Protecting women and children from acts of sexual deviance is Christian love too.

Ending harm against women and children is Christian love too.

Sometimes it is necessary to bring the truth to the light to make sure that happens.


New information continues to come to light in this tragedy.

People are so quick to call women "hateful" whenever we are speaking, meanwhile ......

As soon as this story broke, people began blaming others for the death of this man and ignoring details about the alleged victims.  With each passing day, the sordid details have become more difficult to ignore....unless you want to. 

Because, unfortunately, that is how many people usually react and behave when there are uncomfortable truths about victimization + sex + women/children. 

I'm hoping that this tragedy teaches us many lessons. 

Among them, 
  • Women's safety is critically important.
  • Women's privacy is critically important.
  • Preventing crimes against women is critically important.
  • Children's safety is critically important.
  • Children's privacy is critically important.
  • Preventing crimes against children is critically important.

One person's struggles, hobbies, interests, or desires should never negate the human rights of another. This includes women and children. If all people are important and all people matter, we are the people who must make it so. 

We live it because we believe it or....
We do not live it, because we do not really believe it at all.

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WE Survive Abuse : What Can We Learn From Alabama Mayor's Death That Allegedly Reveals More Victims (Update)
What Can We Learn From Alabama Mayor's Death That Allegedly Reveals More Victims (Update)
WE Survive Abuse
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