As a domestic violence advocate for people in unsafe relationships, this election I am concerned for women. At first, I think I underesti...
As a domestic violence advocate for people in unsafe relationships, this election I am concerned for women.
At first, I think I underestimated how large a problem this is in households and relationships.
But then again, this is controlling males we are talking about. Of course, they believe they are entitled to at least two votes.
Not to mention their mothers, Aunties, grandmothers, employees, and female tenants too.
♀ As a woman, it’s your right to vote for the candidate you believe in. Nobody, not even someone close to you, has the authority to make you feel guilty about that. You know what’s best for you and your future—stand by that truth. Your voice matters.
♀ Sometimes, partners can influence us with gentle (or not-so-gentle) nudges, but when it comes to voting, that choice is entirely yours. Don’t let anyone convince you that respecting yourself means disobeying them.
True love doesn’t force decisions; it respects them.
🚩Ever feel that your voice is “supposed” to align with your partner’s? That’s a red flag. Emotional manipulation can look like “guidance” or “advice,” but if it pressures you to compromise your values, remember: your choices are yours alone.
🚩Remember, manipulation doesn’t always look like force. It can sound like gentle suggestions that make you second-guess yourself. Trust your gut, and don’t feel bad for choosing what aligns with your heart and mind.
That’s your right!
♀ Loyalty in relationships is beautiful, but it shouldn’t mean surrendering your voice. If your partner insists you “vote right” or “choose correctly” (meaning as they would), that’s not loyalty; that’s control.
Trust yourself to choose wisely.
No matter who you decide to vote for, the choice should always be yours.
Your voice matters, because YOU matter.
Take care of you ⚘.