
Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.

Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.
The indestructible lessons are OURS to keep, teach, and utilize.-Tonya GJ Prince

Women, Pain, and Confused Nerves


Like a lot of women, my threshold for pain is pretty high.  This has not always served me well.  I wanted to bring this article to the atten...

Like a lot of women, my threshold for pain is pretty high. 

This has not always served me well.

 I wanted to bring this article to the attention of those who suffer from chronic pain or know/love someone who does. 

I am among that number, as it is not uncommon in people-especially women- who've lived through trauma. 

Recently, I've been getting my home office all "cuted up" and I had been loving it. 

All the way until I started suffering more intense bouts of pain including migraines, fatigue, and all-over body aches. Now it is August so I thought that perhaps it was the heat.

Narrowing it down and talking it through with my support folks, an answer emerged. 

 My brand new office chair, the new computer, the great new lights....have overloaded and overwhelmed my system. Too much too soon. 

And, for chronic pain sufferers the "soft life" is a necessity. That executive chair is going to have to be either a loveseat or a chaise. 

Delayed again.

Taking Care of You

So anyway, I hope that you are doing whatever it takes to make things work for you. 

Believe yourself when you suspect pain. Your body has been your home every day of your life. 

For generations, women with problems related to pain and autoimmune response were accused of being "fragile", "hysterical", "unwell", or "crazy".  

In my own personal pursuit of understanding and diagnosis of my health complications, I finally started taking family that I trust to a few appointments. 

This way I was not alone when a doctor told me that "she didn't believe in (well-documented condition)" that I asked her about.  Instead, she would be treating me with drugs for something that I tested negative for.

Of course, I never went back. 

These days I am learning patience with myself and pacing through life. The woman who was once a single mom, working full time, and carrying a full-time college credit load all at once...is having a very challenging time with those two elements there. 

Self-patience and pacing. (boo. hiss.)

 But clearly, life is determined to keep bringing this lesson up for me so...I'm studying for the test. 

Here is a great related article on the topic:

How Rogue Nerves Lead to Migraines, Back Pain, and IBS

Confused nerves can turn up the pain level.

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WE Survive Abuse : Women, Pain, and Confused Nerves
Women, Pain, and Confused Nerves
WE Survive Abuse
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