
Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.

Abuse and violence destroy everything except the lessons and wisdom.
The indestructible lessons are OURS to keep, teach, and utilize.-Tonya GJ Prince

Why Is It Women's Jobs to Deal with Everything and Kitchen Sink Issues?


  You know what really angers and frustrates me about this Olympic boxing issue? Why is it that when a human being has any condition of any ...


You know what really angers and frustrates me about this Olympic boxing issue? Why is it that when a human being has any condition of any sort women are automatically expected to slide over and make the necessary adjustments and accommodations? 

Be nice! Be friendly! Be gracious! You must or else. 

IF we do not we are judged as unkind, bigoted, and policing for simply saying...."no". You must make other arrangements for organizations, corporations, and governing boards. This does not work for some of us. 

Meanwhile, males are asked to do nothing. 

Make no accommodations.

Change no language.

Simply berate women for not being "kinder." (That word is now abolished in my vicinity by the way because I am through being targeted while men do whatever the heck they please.)

People with Rare Conditions

I try to avoid sharing stories that aren't mine to share so I will merely say this. I personally know more than the average person about rare conditions. My experience is hands-on. 

So it hits rare medical conditions hit my radar in a distinct way. I can't help but notice that there is a swelling community of males with rare medical conditions lately.  There is an opportunity there for education and connection.

 Is that not then enough for such folks to be celebrated in competition with one another? Again, I say this as someone with disabilities and who comes from a family where as I think about it, the bulk of us have disabilities. AND, most of us have been very physically active at various times despite the limitations we thought would be there. 

We also have worked professionally alongside others with disabilities to advance and serve in this area for many years. Passionately! 

It makes me wonder.  Why are the women who are predominantly able-bodied being commanded to sacrifice in such a way when there may be funding to make big, beautiful, and celebratory categories for people who are differently abled? 

What is being asked of men? What are they sacrificing? Rather than threatening, slurring, and entertaining audiences with sexism and misogyny...could they not contribute financially to the cause to expand the tents? 

As my Granny used to say to all of us kids: "Make yourself useful."

If all you do is threaten women, slur women, assault women, and curse women then you are nothing more than an immature bully who is standing in the way of authentic progress, unity, and solutions.

It is cowardly to jump at women and expect us to do the lion's share of the labor. 

These scales are unbalanced and that needs fixing.

You can only keep wearing out the same people to make it look as if you "fixed a social issue" for so long before the whole thing falls apart. At some point, men have to start pulling their weight.


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WE Survive Abuse : Why Is It Women's Jobs to Deal with Everything and Kitchen Sink Issues?
Why Is It Women's Jobs to Deal with Everything and Kitchen Sink Issues?
WE Survive Abuse
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